[Passbos A-Irma]
Breed: West Siberian Lajka
Color: Brown & White
Gender: Female
Withers: 50
Weight: 11 kg
Date of birth : 2022-02-14
The family's first West Siberian Lajka with the ambition to not only become a purebred moose dog, but also bark birds, hunt martens and bears if given the opportunity. An independent power package that is fearless for the most part, but compliant and prices driver contact.
Vilja is still a young dog bus based on Vilja's fine qualities, the idea is that she will become the mother of many puppy litters.
Vilja is born in February 2022 on the West Coast of Sweden and moved home to Luleå in April 2022. During the spring and summer, she trained basic obedience and game tracking, which gradually increased in difficulty. Vilja picks up interest in moose and tracks fresh moose tracks 150 meters at 13 weeks of age.
Vilja participates in her first dog show in June 2023, at the age of 15 months. She receives the assessment Excellent and is awarded BOB and CK and recieves fantastic praise from judges.
Den första älgen för Vilja fälls i oktober 2023, då hon är 1 år och 8 månader. Intresset för den stora älgen blir större och större under säsongen.
Den andra riktiga jaktsäsongen börjar lite skakigt med ett löp precis i jaktsäsongen, men utvecklingen förbättras för varje jaktdag i skogen och Vilja uppvisar mycket fina jaktegensakper och uthållighet i älgarbeten som medfört att flera fällda älgar.